
"Lauminas Residence"

Kindergarten on Ķelnes street 1

Laumina Residence branch in Mezaparks, on Ķelnes Street 1

Bērnudārzs Ķelnes ielā 1

Kindergarten in Kelnes street 1

Laumiņa Residences branch on Ķelnes Street is our newest branch, located right in the heart of Mežaparks. The pre-school educational institution started operating in September 2020. In the Mežaparks branch, young pupils are welcomed in modern, well-equipped premises, which provide children with everything required for comprehensive development. Here, knowledgeable and loving educators will make sure that the children feel welcome and happy every day, as well as acquire new knowledge according to the approach of competencies and play not only indoors, but also in the fresh air - in newly created playground.

Jaunajās un skaistajā telpās ir izvietotas 4 bērnudārza grupiņas.

As the educational institution is located on the first floor of the office building, we have a separate entrance which allows to distinguish the flow of visitors to the building and increase security.

We have highly qualified employees who are creative and competent. Able to successfully connect with children in everyday work, motivate and interest them in various developmental and educational activities. Children are happy to do sports under the guidance of a great sports teacher.

Music lessons and festivities take place in a beautiful hall, creating an uplifting atmosphere and encouraging children to perform in public. Music lessons are led by a smiling and vivacious teacher.

Our institution and its staff are professional and friendly. Your children will be warmly welcomed, they will be fully taken care of and prepared for school.

Welcome to our branch in Mezaparks!

Klinta Gangnuse

Laumiņas rezidences bērnudārza Mežaparka filiāles vadītāja vietniece

Ir our pre-school we have

Kindergarten groups

There are three kindergarten groups in the Mežaparks kindergarten branch of Laumiņa residence.

Here grow our small ‘Lemons’’ - bright, curly, curious, and fun.

Bērnudārza grupa 2,5 – 3,5 gadus veciem bērniem 

Here grow our ‘’Cherries’’ - bright, enthusiastic, and curious.

Kindergarten group for 3-4 year olds

Ananāsiņi (Pineapples) 🇬🇧
Kindergarten group with additional English language classes

Bērnudārza grupa 4 – 7 gadus veciem bērniem

Te aug mūsu Zemenītes – koši, sprigani, zinātkāri un jautri.

Kindergarten group for 1.6 - 2 years old children 

Here grow our ‘’Cherries’’ - bright, enthusiastic, and curious.

Kindergarten group for 2.5-5-year-old children

Ananāsiņi (Pineapples) 🇬🇧
Kindergarten group with additional English language classes

Kindergarten group from 3 years to school age

Extracurriculars for children

  • Deju nodarbībās tiks veikti kustību attīstoši vingrinājumi, apgūti gan latviešu deju soļi, gan mūsdienu deju elementi popmūzikas pavadījumā.
  • Nodarbību ilgums: 20 min/mazajiem un 30 min/lielajiem.
  • Maksa: 35 eiro mēnesī/mazajiem 40 eiro/lielajiem.
  • Pieteikšanās: grupā aizpildot pieteikuma veidlapu.
  • Nodarbībās bērniem būs iespēja veidot dažādus rokdarbus, piedalīties dizaina un plānošanas procesos.
  • Nodarbību ilgums: 40 min.
  • Maksa: 12 eiro/nodarbība.
  • Pieteikšanās: grupā aizpildot pieteikuma veidlapu.
  • Attīstošās sporta nodarbības ar Džudo cīņas elementiem.
  • Nodarbības ilgums – 30 min.
  • Maksa: 28 eiro mēnesī.
  • Pieteikšanās: grupā aizpildot pieteikuma veidlapu.
  • Nodarbības balstītas uz mūziku angļu valodā, izmantojot dziedāšanas dialogus, lomu spēles, mūzikālas spēles, galda spēles, mūzikas instrumentus.
  • Nodarbības ilgums: 45 min.
  • Maksa: 15 eiro nodarbība
  • Pieteikšanās: grupā aizpildot pieteikuma veidlapu.
  • Nodarbības ilgums: (PIEKTDIENĀS 15:20-16:10)
  • Maksa: 12 eiro nodarbība
Itrešu izglītība ir pieejama arī bērniem, kas neapmeklē mūsu izglītības iestādi.

Kindergarten environment

Kindergarten costs

590,00 EUR / mēnesī
+ 6,50 EUR / dienā - Ēdināšana
+ 100,00 EUR - One-time entry fee
+ 25,00 - 40,00 EUR - Extracurricular groups
Brāļu māsu (ģimenes) atlaide , katram bērnam no kopējā rēķina 5% atlaide.
Municipal co - financing

Tuition fees can be reduced with the support of your municipality.

Sadarbojamies ar Rīgas, ādažu, Ropažu, Mārupes, Ķekava, Sigūlda, Salaspils u.c.  pašvaldībām.

With the co-financing granted by the Riga municipality - 328,54 EUR/mēnesī + 1,99 EUR/dienā ēdināšanai

Kindergarten on Ķelnes street 1

Kindergarten for tiny humans with big personalities in Mezaparks